Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there!
In honour of Mothers Day this Sunday the 14th of May, we thought this was an ideal time to share with you some exciting new research on the benefits of vegetation and exposure to plants on the health of women.Recently, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Brigham Women’s Hospital in the US combined to conduct a study into the effects of surrounding greenery and vegetation on the health and mortality rates of women, and the results were astounding.Women who surround themselves with plants and live in areas of higher vegetation not only experience improved health but also live longer!The large study looked at a very large sample of women, 108 630, and collected data across an eight year period, between 2000 and 2008. This study is the first national survey to take a US-wide survey and look at the link between greenness and mortality rates over a period of several years.Using satellite imagery taken in different seasons and in different years to assess levels of vegetation, the study found that women who lived in the greenest surroundings lived a massive 12% longer than the women who lived in the areas with the least vegetation. The greatest areas of mortality reduction were strongest in the reduction in death from respiratory disease, an enormous 34% reduction, and cancer, with a reduction of 13%.Furthermore, after accounting for other mortality risk factors such as age, socio-economic status, race, ethnicity and smoking behaviours, researchers found that women surrounded by plants saw lower levels of depression, increased opportunities for social engagement, higher levels of physical activity and reduced exposure to air pollution.
This study gives weight to the impetus on planners, landscape architects and government policy makers to ensure that urban planning includes accessible green spaces and large quantities of vegetation. Not only are these features good for our environment in lowering waste-water loads, sequestering carbon and migrating the effects of climate change, but they are also crucial for improving health outcomes.So, this Mothers Day, why not buy mum a plant, or better yet, help her in the garden or go for a stroll in the local park? The time spent together is not only invaluable for your relationship but could help to keep mum in tip-top mental and physical health. Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there!Information source: https://www.simplemost.com/lots-plants-around-makes-women-live-longer/?utm_campaign=socmark&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=partner&utm_partner=socmarkImage credit: Luisa Brimble via The Garden Clinic